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Welcome to the 3rd preseason episode of Ozkoç and King Soccer Podcast Show
We all remember the days kicking around in our backyard as children. We may have been shooting on makeshift goals, such as two trees or a wall, but in our minds, we were shooting between the goalposts of San Siro or Old Trafford. This is where we honed our skills. Whether playing around alone or with a friend, we could really express ourselves. It was certainly taxing stuff, but it was also fun and we became better players because of all that time spent in a yard or the street.
We asked Oz what those days were like for him growing up and he said that he and his brother would always pretend they were playing in a major tournament. “We would commentate on every play. Arsenal vs Milan. Every time one of us would score we’d shout it out like Turkish commentators do.
Commentators themselves are seen as the voice of the game, its fun to add your voice to the mix as well.” “Its one of my dream jobs,” Kerry adds. “Getting paid to talk about the beautiful game we all love. Couldn’t really ask for anything better.” Indeed, hearing the passion and knowledge from commentators like Martin Tyler, Jon Champion, John Strong, Ray Hudson, and Andrés Cantor does bring flavor and excitement to the listener, and they become celebrities in their own right. “But, despite these professional’s passion and joy in commentating, it’s not necessarily a walk in the park for them,” Kerry adds. Just like professional players, commentators and analysts go through a lot of practice and hard work to get to where they are. For example, Kevin Egan worked his way through the ranks, working smaller, less prestigious jobs before becoming one of the faces of beIN Sports. Oz likens it to a young footballer working their way through youth teams before finally making it to the senior team.
“You have to work your way into that inner circle, I’ve done it myself,” he said, “but once you’re there you have to continue working hard in order to keep your place.” Advice that can be applied to all aspects of life, but for a soccer player, it all starts with those play sessions in the backyard.
Kevin Egan – Bein Sports