Welcome to the 4th preseason episode of Ozkoç and King Soccer Podcast Show
In the United States, Independence Day is a time for citizens to celebrate all that’s good in their country and reflect on its ideas. It’s a day full of relaxation and enjoyment, symbolized by its cookouts, fireworks, and sports. During a time full of political turmoil around the world, these events and get together become all the more important for people to unwind. Major League Soccer has adopted July 4th as a day dedicated to soccer, and it’s a special day for all involved. Kerry and Oz went to a unique Atlanta United game on the day of America’s birthday. “There was a different sort of atmosphere at the game,” Kerry remarked.
“There’s always a buzz during the build-up and the game itself, but this time the whole occasion felt like something more than an Atlanta United match. It almost felt like a USA game. The great game coupled with the fireworks afterward, really made me feel proud to be a United fan and an American.” It was another moment of unity for everyone in the stadium. Still, on a high after the excitement of the game, people watched the fireworks light up the Atlanta skyline, taking pictures and taking in the sights.
Despite having been to many different matches under varying circumstances, Oz had never experienced an occasion such as this. “When the game finished, I was able to kick my feet up and enjoy the show after the show, so to speak. I realized that it’s important to recognize all of the struggles that occurred in order for humanity to get as far as it has.”
Despite all of its progress so far, humanity still has a lot of progressing to do. But the luxuries that we’ve currently got, such as being able to enjoy a soccer game on a national holiday, are moments to cherish.